Together, we can positively impact patients living with psoriasis
Psoriasis (Ps) is a dermatologic disease that’s more than what you may see on the surface. The disease can have a significant impact on both patients’ lives and their emotional well-being. Explore real patient stories as they live with their condition.

Disease Education
The better we understand Ps, the better prepared we will all be in helping patients gain control over this condition.
Real-world achievement of the National Psoriasis Foundation’s treat-to-target goals in the US1
69.3% was the overall proportion of patients achieving BSA ≤3% after at least 3 months of treatment (48.8%, 85.4%)

43.4% was the overall proportion of patients achieving BSA ≤1% after at least 3 months of treatment (5.6%, 80.9%)

No Data

Less than half of patients are reaching target BSA ≤1%.
These results were consistent across multiple sensitivity analyses. This analysis used data from OM1 Inc.’s Psoriasis PremiOM™ Dataset, including EMR systems, laboratory results, e-prescribing data, clinical observations, certain PROs and medical and pharmacy claims data. Patients with Ps ≥18 years across the US who initiated an advanced therapy (TNF, IL-12/23, IL-17, IL-23 or PDE-4 inhibitors) between January 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022, and had at least 1 BSA measure ≥90 days after treatment initiation were included in the analysis. Data from 6,395 patients were included in this analysis. BSA=body surface area; EMR=electronic medical records; IL=Interleukin; PDE=phosphodiesterase; TNF=tumor necrosis factor.
Re-Categorization of Psoriasis Severity2
The 2020 International Psoriasis Council (IPC) Consensus statement describes two categories of psoriasis severity:
1. Candidates for topical therapy
2. Candidates for systemic therapy*
Psoriasis patients classified as candidates for systemic therapy meet at least 1 of the following criteria:
*Systemic therapies include both biologic and non-biologic treatments such as phototherapy and older systemic agents. †’Special areas’ refers to psoriasis affecting more impactful sites such as the face, palms, soles, genitalia, scalp, or nails.
Explore our videos below to learn more about psoriasis.
References: 1. Armstrong AW, Amin AZ, Gondo G, et al. The “Pstate” of the union: real-world achievement of NPF treat to target goals in psoriasis in the United States. Poster presented at: The National Psoriasis Foundation Research Symposium; October 7, 2023; Washington, DC. 2. Strober B, Ryan C, van de Kerkhof P, et al. Recategorization of psoriasis severity: Delphi consensus from the International Psoriasis Council. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82(1):117-122. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.08.026
Treatment Considerations
You and your patients have many treatment options—such as phototherapy and topical/systemic therapies—to consider for Ps.
Take a look at information that may help with your treatment considerations.Patient Stories
Watch these patient stories to gain a deeper appreciation
of the burden of plaque psoriasis.
Each shade of skin deserves care
Watch and learn from leading clinical experts on how we can improve
dermatologic care for patients of color living with Ps.